League: numbers and facts, Nova Super Liga. Created on Join.Football
For the period from 17 September 2023 to 31 December 2023
Number of teams
35 -
Number of players
600 -
Matches played
347 -
Goals scored
Highest match goal total
Biggest win
Most common score
0 : 36.34% -
Home wins
15344.09% -
3911.24% -
Guest wins
Best team:
([Count of wins] х 1.1 coefficient - [Count of losses] х 1.1 coefficient + [Cont of scored goals] х 1.2 coefficient - [Count of missed goals] х 1.1 coefficient - [Count of red cards] х 1.2 coefficient) х [Count of games] = performance (if [Count of games] >= 4)
Man of the match:
([Count of "best player match"] х 1.3 coefficient + [Count of goals] х 1.2 coefficient + [Count of passes] х 1.1 coefficient - [Count of red cards] х 1.2 coefficient - [Count of yellow cards] х 1.1 coefficient) х [Count of games] = performance (if [Count of games] >= 4)
Best goalkeeper:
(-[Count of missed goals] х 1.1 performance х [Count of games by goalkeeper] = performance (if [Count of games by goalkeeper] >= 4)