Team application F.C. Panteras Negras, Taça de Portugal, Nova Super Liga. Created on Join.Football

Team short description

10 players in application

22.67 - average age

# Position Player Date of birth
Player photo

Ailton Silva

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Player photo

Edmilson Sanches

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Player photo

Evilson Tavares

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Player photo

Julio J

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Player photo

Klever Teixeira

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Player photo

Vilson V

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Player photo

Zidane Z

- - - - -
4 Mf.
Player photo

Antonio An

06.08.2004, 20 year - - - - -
5 Df.
Player photo

Bruno BR

29.11.1996, 28 year - - - - -
15 Gk.
Player photo

Jenilton Jen

03.10.2004, 20 year - - - - -
# Position Player Date of birth
Player list is empty